DSG Energy Limited Awarded with Caring Company Logo


DSG Energy Limited (“DSG Energy”) are awarded the Caring Company Logo 2018/19 by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, recognizing the outstanding performance in its commitment to care for the society, employees and the environment during last year.


Caring for the community
DSG Energy encourage employees to participate in volunteering and help alleviate the difficulties faced by the underprivileged community. The company joints hand with key business partners to organise various charitable activities such as preparing hot meals for the elderly and the needs at Food For Good (NGO) and visiting elderly centre in Tung Tai Estate at Mid-Autumn Festival; In addition, the company shows support to social enterprises by ordering meals from NGOs for company events, inviting The Hong Kong Society For The Blind to provide massage services to company wellness event, support the Community Chest of HK donation events – Green Day and Dress Casual Day, participate in St James Settlement’s outing with disabled people, etc.


Caring for employees
DSG Energy take pride in its motivated team and is committed to attracting and retaining the best people. The company advocates work-life balance culture and performance rewarding scheme by providing green working environment, ongoing personal development and training, comprehensive benefits, and various recreational and social activities for the employees.


Caring for the environment
DSG Energy dedicate in adopting green measures, advocating environmental protection and stimulate sustainable and eco-healthy culture in the workplace. While the company strives to reduce the impact on earth caused by energy consumption, also, encouraging every colleague to take part in being green in office by applying a spectrum of measures, including energy saving, waste reduction, water saving and eco-healthy workplace. We strive to serve the community in a safe, economically, environmentally and socially responsible way.


The Caring Company Scheme was launched by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service since 2002, aiming to foster strategic partnerships between the business and social services sectors to promote good corporate citizenship and create a more inclusive society.