Contact us

Customer Services
If you have any inquiries or comments about Shell LPG services, please contact our customer service hotline for more information.
Piped LPG Enquiries and ordering Cylinder Shell Gas
Customer Service Hotline﹕2435 8388
Customer Service Hotline(Macau)﹕2870 0555
Fax﹕2139 8366
24-Hour Emergency Hotline(HK): 2322 2000
24-Hour Emergency Hotline(Macau): 2892 3456
Email: [email protected]
Hong Kong Address
DSG Energy Limited
Room 2201-02, 22/F, Landmark East AIA Kowloon Tower, 100 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
(This office does not support LPG account opening / withdrawal applications and service inquiries.
Macau address
Avenida da Amizade, No. 876, Edif, Marina Gardens, Sala 305, 3 Andar, Macau