DSG Energy Piped LPG

Why choose DSG Energy
Piped LPG Services

Excellent operation and management system

DSG Energy strives to provide centralized LPG supply and services to customers. Our Account Managers are dedicated to provide direct management to the Estates with seamless communications between Owner’s Committee and Property Management Office, resolving any LPG relevant issues effectively.

Stable LPG supply Exclusive maintenance team


24-hour engineering support Stringent monitoring system
Stringent monitoring on LPG quality

DSG Energy supplies the best quality LPG to customers. From sourcing to storage, we implement a holistic management system to maintain high standards of product quality and supply stability.

Obtained Certificate of Quality (COQ)
Fulfilled requirements from Hong Kong Government
Preventive monitoring on LPG tank
Comprehensive Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) management system

DSG Energy cares about the safety of its customers and staff. Occupational safety and environmental issues are equally important too. We monitor our LPG business with strict standards to ensure HSSE risks can be minimized.

HK GOV EMSD approved Registered Gas Supply Company (RGSC no.25) 24-hour gas leakage hotline with emergency repairing services
HK GOV EMSD approved Registered Gas Contractors (RGC no.892-19) All vehicles in LPG transportation fleet team compliance with EURO6 emission standards
Technical support from qualified professional team LPG transportation team is the pioneer in the LPG industry using B5 bio-diesel and participate in carbon offset programme


Digital services for customers

DSG Energy provides various e-services and e-payment methods. Being the first company to launch a mobile app for e-services, we lead the digitalization in the industry which allows customers to monitor their bill account anytime and anywhere.

Check LPG e-bill and payment record
Multiple payment channels
Notifications: reminder for monthly meter reporting and regular safety inspection, release of latest gas bill
Excellent operation and management system

DSG Energy is responsible for LPG supply and services of customers. Account managers are arranged to follow up with serving Estates, so that cummications between Owner’s Committee and Property Management Office about LPG issues can be effective.

R Stable LPG supply

R 24 hours 
engineering support

R Exclusive 
maintenace team

R Strict monitoring system

Stringent monitoring on LPG quality

DSG Energy Limited supplies high quality LPG to customers. From sourcing to storage, we implement a holistic management system to maintain high standard of product quality and supply stability.

R Obtained Certificate of Quality (COQ)

R Fufilled requirements from Hong Kong Government

R Preventive monitor on LPG tank

Comprehensive Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) management system

DSG Energy cares about safety of customers and staffs from operators. Occupational safety and environmental issues are equally important too. We monitor our LPG business with strict standarts to ensure HSSE risks can be minimized.

R HKGOV EMSD approved Registered Gas Supply Company (RGSC no.25)

R HKGOV EMSD approved Registered Gas Contractors (RGC no.892-19)

R Technical support from qualified professional team

R 24 hour gas leakage hotline with emergency repairing service

R All vehicles in LPG transportatiaon fleet team compliance with EURO6 emission standards

R First LPG transporation team using B5 bio-disel and participate in carbon offset

Digital services for customers

DSG Energy provides e-services and e-payment methods. Being the first company to launch mobile app for e-services, we lead the digitalization in industry and let our customers understand their bill account anytime and anywhere.

R Cheking LPG e-bll and payment record
Multiple payment channels

R Notifications: reminder for monthly meter reporting and regular safety inspection, release of latest gas bill

DSG Energy Operation Flow – Piped LPG

DSG Energy is committed to providing customers with high-quality LPG. From selecting the source of supply to inventory management, we have developed a comprehensive system to ensure product quality and stable supply.

LPG is transported from DSG Energy’s dedicated oil depot by our professional transportation team to customers’ residential buildings and distributed to each household through the gas pipeline to bring warmth to every family.

In addition to residential buildings in urban areas, newly developed buildings in remote areas can also consider DSG Energy’s one-stop design, construction, and supply of LPG to ensure stable and efficient energy supply.

Our fleet team has been upgraded with trucks fulfilling EURO6 vehicles emission standard

  • Our fleet team has been upgraded with trucks fulfilling EURO6 vehicles emission standard
  • Our fleet team has been using B5 bio-diesel, the first and only LPG logistics team to implement carbon offset and enhance fuel efficiency.

Understand more about our contribution to sustainable development

DSG Energy Services – Piped LPG

High standard on operation safety

DSG Energy's professional engineering team will arrange a qualified and experienced maintenance team for technical support. Regular LPG appliances inspection and repairing services will be provided to domestic piped LPG customers according to the maintenance plan.

R Team of professional Engineer R Provide free regular safety inspection to LPG appliances
R Provide maintenance and repairing scheme to customers R Regular drills on emergency handling

Professional hotline and showroom customer services

Professional team to handle customer service relevant issues and enquiries. Our outstanding customer service team has achieved various achievements.

Hong Kong Customer Contact Association: “Mystery Caller Assessment Award 2022 (Public Service and Utilities) – Gold Award” and “Inbound Contact Centre of the Year 2022 (Public Service and Utilities) – Gold Award”
24-hr emergency hotline call: committed to pick up the call within 10s
General hotline call: committed to pick up the call within 20s
Uphold international standards in handling customer information
12 showrooms located at Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories


Multiple communication channels to connect with customers

R Safety talk and roadshow R LPG safety leaflet
R Community services and activities R Regular promotional offers (LPG appliances promotion, Elderly care program, DSG Home online shop offers…)

DSG Energy Showrooms for Piped Estates
One stop solution catering your needs

R Showroom services keep abreast with times R Display of selected Gas Appliances
R Opening from Monday to Sunday (selected location) R Regular Safety and Gas Appliances Promotion
R Handling all sorts of customers enquiries (i.e. Payment, Account Opening and Termination) R Regular homeware product offers for customers

Our showrooms for piped estates are located around Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories to serve you with care:

Service Pledge of DSG Energy Limited

DSG Energy commits to serve you with heart.We improve continuously to fulfill your needs

Switching to DSG Energy Piped LPG Services

We have rich experience in designing, constructing, or taking over LPG systems for residential buildings.

Through our professional and structured procedures, combined with our experienced engineering and technical team, we can provide residents a superior LPG service.