DSG Energy Limited Participated In “49th Caritas Macau Charity Bazaar”


DSG Energy participated in the “49th Caritas Macau Charity Bazaar” with an amazing game booth to help draw donation for the event. The event was held on 3rd to 4th November 2018 at Macau Nautical Centre, Nam Van Lake. The theme for this year is “With Love, We Build Together.”


“Caritas Macau Charity Bazaar” is a major annual fundraising event, aiming at raising funds for Caritas Macau in order to support the social service expenses in the future. There are over 90 organizations raise money through games, cuisine, charity and other activities. This year, it attracts over 50K Macau citizens and our booth generated around MOP$22K donations.


DSG Energy has always contributed to the community by actively participating in various volunteer work, including Love Teeth Day, Dress Casual Day, packing food at Food for Good, visit Buddha with St. James’ Settlement members, visiting elderly at Caritas Hong Kong Centre. We hope that our staff can participate in volunteer services to care for the community.


“Caritas Macau Charity Bazaar” is organized by Caritas Macau. Caritas Macau has been serving the Macau community for 66 years with humility. They relieve hardship of the minorities, try their best to build towards a more inclusive society and work sincerely for the well-being of the underprivileged.


Photo 1

(Left 4th) Ms Tammy Chan, Finance Director of DSG Energy represents the company to receive the souvenir on stage

Photo 2

Participants are playing happily at DSG Energy booth