DSG Energy Limited Recognised As “HSBC Living Business Supply Chain Leaders” in HSBC Living Business Awards 2018


DSG Energy Limited (“DSG Energy”) was recognised as “HSBC Living Business Supply Chain Leaders” in HSBC Living Business Awards 2018, in recognition of our efforts and achievements in promoting best practices and driving sustainable development through our business partners.


DSG Energy strives to inspire our business partners to uplift their business productivity and competitiveness by incorporating sustainable practices into their business operations; and we possess sustainable supply chain management with clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), incentive scheme and regular review meeting to encourage and drive them to carry out sustainable practices.


We are delighted to attend the HSBC Living Business Awards Presentation Ceremony 2018 in March 2019, where we not only recognised as “HSBC Living Business Supply Chain Leaders”, but also witnessed the remarkable achievements of our business partner. In 2018, we nominated six business partners to apply for the “HSBC Living Business ESG Award”, and our business partner Sze Woo Chaan Gas Company Ltd won the “Certificate of Merit” in the category of the “HSBC Living Business ESG Award” and “HSBC Living Business Long Term Participation Award”.


DSG Energy distributes and markets Shell-branded LPG in HK & Macao. We aim to create a sustainable business by ensuring that we operate responsibly in everything that we do. We are committed to working with our suppliers to provide products and services to the highest standards of quality and integrity that we and our customers expect. Supplier Code of Practice is in place to set out the most important ethical and legal standards that apply to the business we and our suppliers do together and it provides practical guidance to all our suppliers on a range of areas including health and safety, competition law, anti-bribery, data privacy and intellectual property etc.


HSBC Living Business Programme was launched since 2004, aiming to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Hong Kong to become more competitive and productive by incorporating socially and environmentally sustainable practices into their business operations. This programme serves as an interactive platform for local SMEs to acquire knowledge and share experience in corporate sustainability.


Mr Samson Lam, Managing Director of DSG Energy Limited (left one) and its business partner, Sze Wo Chaan Gas Company Limited, are honoured with three awards in the HSBC Living Business Awards 2018, showing the extraordinary results of incorporating sustainable business practices and standards together.