
Golden Fried Rice with Dried Scallops

Time:1 (+3) hours

Servings:2 – 3 persons

Suitable for:Main, Seafood

• 1 bowl of rice
• 1 egg
• 6-8 dried scallops, depending on the size
• 4 choy sum stems
• 1 slice of ginger
• A pinch of salt
• A little bit of scallion (optional)

1. Soak the dried scallops in water for at least 3 hours. Then, steam them with the water for 30 minutes. Keep the water and shred the dried scallops.
2. Cut the choy sum stems and ginger into small cubes.
3. Beat the egg and mix it with the rice. Make sure the rice is cooled when the egg is added.
4. Mince the ginger and sauté on medium heat until it is aromatic. Add the dried scallops and choy sum stems while sautéing.
5. Put in the rice mixture and cook on high heat. If the fried rice appears to be dry, add the dried scallop water in small amounts. Do not add it all at once because the rice might become sticky and mushy.
6. Season the fried rice with a pinch of salt.
7. If you want to add some scallion, you can do so in the end.

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